Starting the blog

Posted on Sun 09 April 2017 in Misc

I've tried many times to start a blog. Every time the platform, or the look held me back. I didn't write anything, because the look wasn't right. Or I didn't want to publish anything because there wasn't a good commenting system.

Screw that, this time. I'm using a simple web hosting provider, so no comments. I'm not changing the theme (too much), so I can't be upset about how it looks.

I want to start the blog for two reasons: A blog gives me a central place to collect, document and discuss any projects I do. It also gives me a chance to practise my writing, which is functional but not entertaining.

If you would like to give feedback on any of the projects the best idea would be to email me, or contact me on twitter. If your comment is interesting or particularly relevant to the project I will probably add it to the bottom of the project's page.